Camp Read 2023

Members of the Wilderness Survival group (before picture)

This summer, the troop attended Camp Waubeeka Week One and Camp Buckskin Week Two.

Kon Tiki at Opperman’s

On October 5th, scouts from Troop 1 held their own local Kon Tiki event.

Thanks to the troop adults (and especially Mr Vogel) who helped get the concept of raft building onto open water.  It wouldn’t have been possible without internal support.

And most importantly, thanks to the Scouts who took this assign

Thanksgiving Cook-o-ree

Thanksgiving Cook-o-ree

Cook-o-ree Kitchen Crew

Our annual Thanksgiving Cook-o-ree was a huge success! Three patrols displayed their culinary skills in the kitchen at Camp Seton and side dishes were ready well ahead of schedule. Meanwhile a few turkeys and potatoes got the deep fry treatment outside directed by Mr Vogel and Mr Kramer. Families joined in the evening for a delicious feast. Click here for the photo gallery.

AT Trek

On the weekend of June 25, eight Scouts and two Scouters from Troop1 hiked a 18-mile section of the Appalachian Trail. The weather was hot and humid. The scenery was fantastic. We camped at Mt Algo and Steward Hollow Shelters. A good number of wild animals were spotted. The highlight for some was bathing in the Housatonic river. Click here for a photo gallery.

Beach Camping – Wildwood State Park

This year’s Beach Camping was a great success. 16 scouts enjoyed fishing, hiking, cooking, campfire skits, geocaching, and maybe jumping off large rocks. Congratulations to Michael M for being the only scout to catch a fish! Thank you to Mr Occhiogrossi for arranging all the logistics and much more.

Dunderberg Hike

On March 20th (the Spring equinox), a group of scouts explored the unfinished Spiral Railway on Dunderberg Mountain. We stoped for a snack break at the peak, found some geocaches, visited some scenic viewpoints, saw the wreckage from a plane that crashed into the mountain in 1967 and then made our way down a very steep grade before returning home. A great way to welcome Spring 2022 and learn some local history!

Winter Trifecta

Our 5th annual winter trifecta was a great trip with many exciting happenings! From snow squalls, great meals, hiking, ice fishing and hitting the slopes at Holiday Mountain. We also had a trifecta of unexpected issues. We had a failed refrigerator, a microwave that quit and worst of all… a waste line that kept freezing. But we persevered! Thank you again to all our meal providers – everything was delicious!

Klondike 2022

Seven scouts made up the “AFHM patrol” and competed in the district Klondike event on January 15. The cold was challenging – it was the coldest Klondike recent years, but the boys braved the weather and showed off their scouting knowledge and skills. Thanks also to all those that helped the troop to successfully run the two-man saw station.

How to properly set up a tent

On February 17, Cubs from Hawthorne Pack 1 learned the finer details of setting up a camping tent . If you have an extra pole after you’ve finished then you did it wrong.

Fall Backpacking at TMR

The weather tested us! We had rain, hail, thunder, rain, snow, wind and rain. We had to alter our original plans of making it to the Delaware river and returned to the warmth of Hearst cabin at Headquarters. The rangers (Sean and Anthony) were great – thank you!

Camp Read 2021

Camp Read was a blast! There were 18 scouts working all week long on a ton of merit badges. Horseback riding was a highlight for many of us. The weather on Thursday was great, so a group of hikers blazed a new trail on Mount Stevens. We watched a couple of Stealth Bombers refueling overhead while we camped under the stars at the summit. Congrats to James M for receiving the “golden arrow” award – best archer in the whole of Waubeeka! Thank you to everyone making this a very fun-filled week.

Troop 1 is now part of Greater Hudson Valley

Troop 1 is now officially part of the Greater Hudson Valley Council. Please check their website at for upcoming council events.

We continue to do our best to maintain meetings and events under COVID restrictions. Weekly meetings will be held at 7:15pm on Mondays via Zoom until the weather allows us to meet outdoors again.

Welcome back Troop 1!

We continue to do our best to maintain meetings and events under COVID restrictions. Weekly meetings will be held at 7:15pm on Mondays at Bradhurst Park until early December.

A couple of very successful advancement day camps were held at Durland and Hardscrabble. Congratulations to those scouts who have achieved new ranks.

Our annual fundraising drive starts with wreath distribution on November 23rd. Please attend the meeting that evening. Wreath sales at Shoprite will start on November 27th and continue on the following weekends.

Annual scout fees are due by November 30th. ($125.00 per scout, $120.00 for each sibling and $80.00 per registering adult).

In other news, our troop will soon be incorporated into with the Hudson Valley Council and the Scout Shop on Route 9A will close. If you were planning to purchase any scout equipment, now would be a good time to visit the shop.

Welcome back Troop 1!

The past 6 months have flown by on some level and seem eons ago on another.  We have seen a lot of change over those months.  We are eager to get back to Scouting and the Troop’s leadership has been working hard to lay out a plan to restart our program safely.  A few important points about restarting:

·       Any activity or meeting we undertake will be in compliance with all CDC, state and local health department guidance as well as protocol provided by BSA National and Westchester Putnam Council.  

·       We will require face coverings at all events and will provide hand sanitizer at all activities.  We will strive to hold as many events outdoors as possible and maintain social distancing at all times.

·       Based on the decision of the Mount Pleasant Central School District, no outside groups will be allowed to use the school facilities after hours.  This precludes the Troop from using Hawthorne Elementary

The Town has allowed the Troop to use the Bradhurst Field and grounds off Route 100 near Westchester Medical Center for our meetings.  We will conduct the meetings outdoors and bring supplementary lighting.  The covered porch will be used in case of unexpected rain.  We will stay with this plan until the weather stops us from doing so, likely into late October or early November.  We will regroup with a new plan after that.

We are also developing our program to focus on day trips and advancement of our Scouts especially our younger Scouts.  Below is a list of currently planned events:

Day Fishing Event 2 sessions 8:00 am and 12:15pm

Advancement Day Camp

Tappan Zee Path Hike

Hardscrabble Day Event (Hike and/or conservation project TBD)

Troop Thanksgiving Event (TBD if possible)

It’s popcorn time once again!

The Trail’s End Mobile app has been updated for 2020. Text APP to 62771 to download the app. It’s a lot more user-friendly and includes free credit card processing. After you’ve downloaded the app, the next step is to register at Trail’s End. This will allow you to accept credit and debit cards. The preferred selling method for 2020 is “online direct”. See this YouTube video for a rundown of the app.

Important popcorn dates:
Order #1 Due – Wednesday, September 1st
Pick-up #1 – Saturday, September 26th (8:00am-noon)
Order #2 Due – Sunday, November 1st
Pick-up #2 – Saturday, November 21st (8:00am-noon)

Virtual Meetings via Zoom

Troop meetings at HES have been cancelled until further notice. Meetings will be conducted via zoom and all scouts are encouraged to participate. Please check your email for links and passwords.