Troop 1 has been in existence since 1936. Our troop has a full program that includes at least one outdoor activity each month. We have about 45-60 active scouts and meet every Monday evening during the school year at Hawthorne Elementary School. For more information, please contact us via this form.
We are chartered by the Greater Hudson Valley Council of the Boy Scouts of America to the American Legion Post 112 of Hawthorne, NY. The Council provides training and support materials to assist the Troop leadership in developing the Troop program.
Troop Committee
The Troop is run by a Troop Committee composed of about 10-15 parents and community members. The Committee appoints the Scoutmaster and guides the program and finances.
The Scoutmaster and his assistants are actively involved in execution of the scouting program. New parents are always welcome to get involved with the Troop Committee. The Committee meets once a month during the scouting year.
Adult Leaders
Although the BSA program is run by the junior leaders, it is the adult leadership that provides the tutelage and guidance necessary for success. We are lucky enough to have many adult leaders remain actively involved even though their sons have already completed the program.
It is important that the Troop continually recruit new parents and adult leaders to the Troop Committee to offset the natural attrition we experience as their sons leave scouting.
Two Deep Leadership
Scouting uses the “Two Deep Leadership” model for activities, where at least two Adult Leaders must be present at all times. At least one of the leaders must have completed both the “Youth Protection Training” and the “Scoutmaster Fundamentals” courses. This assures that sufficient trained leadership is present. Adult Leaders may not meet one-on-one in private with any Scout.
Junior Leaders
The Junior Leaders are Scouts who are generally 14-17 years old who have attained the rank of at least Star. They take an active role in the leadership and support the day-to-day operation of the Troop – they lead the Troop meetings and demonstrate new skills. Junior Leaders, Patrol Leaders and other Scout Leaders meet every 6 weeks in a “Patrol Leaders Conference” along with the Scoutmaster to plan future meetings and activities.
Patrol Method
The Patrol Method forms the basis of all Troop activity. Scouts are assigned to a Patrol of 4-10 boys. Each Patrol has a “Patrol Leader” and at least one assistant. Patrols work together at meetings and outdoor activities. While camping, Patrols stay in tents together and share duties. This method develops teamwork and mutual support.
Parental Involvement
There are lots of ways parents can assist the Adult Leaders to make the scouting program the best it can be.
Scouts need their parents to guide them to activities and experiences that will assist their growth and development.
There are committees and special projects, which may require only a few hours of effort once or at most a few times per year. Please see the list of committees.