We continue to do our best to maintain meetings and events under COVID restrictions. Weekly meetings will be held at 7:15pm on Mondays at Bradhurst Park until early December.
A couple of very successful advancement day camps were held at Durland and Hardscrabble. Congratulations to those scouts who have achieved new ranks.
Our annual fundraising drive starts with wreath distribution on November 23rd. Please attend the meeting that evening. Wreath sales at Shoprite will start on November 27th and continue on the following weekends.
Annual scout fees are due by November 30th. ($125.00 per scout, $120.00 for each sibling and $80.00 per registering adult).
In other news, our troop will soon be incorporated into with the Hudson Valley Council and the Scout Shop on Route 9A will close. If you were planning to purchase any scout equipment, now would be a good time to visit the shop.